Code of Ethics
Our Community, while remaining autonomous in its management and organisation, intends to join the ‘Luces Veritatis’ Community Network.
This membership implies that we, the current members of the Community, commit ourselves to respect the principles listed below and to make future members of the Community respect them.
We commit ourselves to adhere to Christian principles and the norms of social and professional ethics, and to act consistently with them and with the greatest possible commitment.
In particular, we are committed to organising and managing our community on the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity and the common good. We also commit ourselves to respect the non-negotiable principles relating to the sanctity of all human life, the natural family, freedom of education, an economy at the service of the person, peace, and the right to conscientious objection.
We commit ourselves to irreproachable moral conduct in public, private and professional life, and to conduct ourselves with the utmost respect for the dignity of the individual and the protection of the good of the community.
We are committed to working actively to promote the growth of the new generations, creating and renewing educational institutions, putting Knowledge, Know-How and the Person at the centre.
We pledge to fight all forms of new slavery that degrade human dignity.
We are committed to the respect for human lifein all its phases, and from conception onwards, aiming at its protection and care, including through a healthcare system that puts the individual back at the centre and which, while avoiding futile treatment, is supportive and helpful in suffering until natural death.
We are committed to restoring a correct and complete information cooperating, with respect for the truth, in the formation of a correct public opinion, in order to make citizens aware of all the decision-making variables and enable them to make decisions and formulate judgements that are, with respect for freedom of opinion, based on true and objective data.
We are committed to making citizens’ participation in public life more and more aware and active, also making them aware of the possibility of acting according to the principles of Civil Resistance and Non-Violent Struggle when facing unjust laws or blatant injustices in their application.
We are committed to promoting the maximum development of cultural institutions to foster and protect the various forms of art, as long as they are in keeping with the True, the Beautiful and the Good.
We pledge not to belong to other movements with aims that conflict with Christian principles.
We are committed to defending our Community and Community Network and its members from all denigrating actions.
We pledge not to involve our Community and/or Community Network in actions that reflect instrumentalisation for personal interests only.
We commit ourselves to devote part of the Community’s resources to the foundation or growth of limited or non-limited communities that are members of the Network.
We are committed to sharing with other Network Communities, useful projects and ideas, maximising their reusability, through the Network Steering Committee.
We undertake to communicate on an ongoing basis with the other communities in the Network, in order to consolidate relationships and activities, with a view to the principles set out in this document.
To find out who we are, you can click on the About Us menu or on this link.
To find out what our Manifesto is, you can click on the Manifesto menu or on this link.
To find out about our Project, you can access the Resources menu or this link.